2010年7月22日 星期四

A Good Neighbor--TOEFL Topic 托福谈好邻居

Test of Written English

Neighbors are people who live near us. In your opinion, what are the qualities of a good neighbor? Use specific details and examples in your answer.

Answer--Sample Essay


Being a good neighbor is a matter of mutual feeling among people living within shouting distance. It is simple to be a good neighbor. All you have to do is to help and understand folks you greet by their first names. In my opinion, mutual-help and mutual-understanding are small details that make big differene between good neighbors and not-so-good ones.

The qualities of a good neighbor are best seen in mutual-help in community life. Since they are no strangers, neighbors normally fall into friends. But what friends are for if they do not help one another? There is a sense of we-feeling that prevails for all seasons. Good neighbors are ready to help when others in need. All of them, by coincidence, have been put in the same boat. It is one for all and all for one. Small help works wonders, like doing baby-sitting or shopping milk for housewives next door.

A good neighbor is supposd to be understanding to others. Good neighbors are willing to share happiness and pains to some extent. They listen to problems and are listened to. Kids play while parents are gossiping about scandals and weather. There is nothing formal within limits of mutual-understanding. Even the regular mischief in your backyard, of dogs and cats belonging to neighbors, is easily forgiven. Good neighbors do that.

More often than not, a good neighborhood is not unlike a very big family. When it comes to occasional conflicts, good neighbors are inclined to accept the lack of conformities as they are. Other times, they are just doing well as neighbors. And I am convinced that good neighbors as such are better than distant relatives.

