2010年7月31日 星期六

English Essay about Bad Parenting 雅思谈儿女之罪,父母之过

IELTS Writing task 2
Topic 雅思作文真题

If children behave badly, should their parents accept responsibility and be also punished?

Outline: 作文大纲

Thesis主题--parents should be responsable for children's misbeavior
Structure结构--4 paragraphs
1. bad parenting often brings about juvenil deliquency
2. cause
3. effect
4. solution

Sample Essay
Created by Mr. Jeenn Lee Hsieh


Bad parenting often brings about bad results: children behaving badly. Many problems of juvenile deliquency may end nowhere, but almost always start at home. The argument that teenagers, being confused and having immature minds, are by law excused from being punished as adults is worthy of further examination. Furthermore, where are the adults who father them?

The cause of juvenil deliquency is contributed to by various factors. It seems that all at once every sector has its share of responsability, with the ironic exception of teenagers themselves. To avert the rising tide of crimes committed by youth, government organzations, social assistance agencies, psychology experts, sports groups, courts, churches and what not all join forces, apparently leaving the very parents of evil-doers far behind. Parents are sometimes even ignorant of what children are hiding, let alone seeing to it that kids are doing all right. On the other hand, the current judicial system provides special status and treatment for young offenders. Their idendities are protected and their records are barred from public view. That comes very near to immunity.

Parents are of course to blame, at least in part, for the dreadful effect of juvenile deliquency. A basic question is how a juvenile has become a deliquent? The answer may refer to where a juvenile deliquent has come into existence. Some such parents are as confused and immature as their kids going astray. They fail to tell whether teenagers have problems or are problems. As a result, some parents are not ready to believe their kids being capable of getting trouble with the law.

In view of parental responsibility, punishment of some kind must apply accordingly. It is true that criminalizing parents is not the best thing to do. But one also wonders if it should be a natural job for parents to train children the right way, instill values of good bevavior, or simply set good examples. Children follow examples. They see, hear, learn. As a conclusion, I think bad parenting is no less a sin than juveinile deliquency. Parents certainly have their share of moral, if not legal, responsaility from beginning to end. For now, they should be obliged to pay a certain price for damage done by their kids to society. Personally, I would recommend that names of irresponsable adults be identified just to show what kind of parents they are?

