2010年7月23日 星期五

A Good Boss: TWE Topic 托福谈好上司

Test of Written English
Writing Topic

What are some important qualities of a good supervisor (boss)? Use specific details and examples to explain why these qualities are important.

Sample Essay: by englishcomposition@hotmail.com

A good boss or supervisor is hard to understand. The positive qualities and negative ones are usually mixed in what is known as leadership. However, we believe there are some reasons behind leadership. From my personal observations, the two outstanding qualities about a good boss is simply the need to speak more and louder.

Having more options to deal with an issue seems a quality born with a leader. To achieve that, he or she need to talk more. Doing most of the talk is a means to the end. The formula is to present a solo show at many an event. Nowadays, possessing more opinions and ideas never fails to impress others. Thus, a boss appears more intelligent, if not exactly wiser. After everything has been said, almost by the boss alone, nobody else has anything more to add or comment. Then, the meeting ends. The only decision is made by the boss only, coming as no surprise to anybody.

Loudership may turn out to be leadership as well. Not only a boss likes to speak more, but also to speak louder. The power of a speaker figuratively and literally cannot be overestimated. When it comes to speaking, a leader often does the shouting instead. A loud voice always carries weight. It doesn't really matter so much what is said as how it is said. Neither is it essential that such a boss actually makes more sound than sense. This often being the case, we are led to believe what is important is the singer, not the song.

As a matter of fact, no boss, even a good one, must be perfect. The strange thing is that the defects, however serious, are usually less obvious. Negative qualities, if any, become suddenly hidden outside the spotlight where the boss stands alone, larger than life, talking freely as if singing endlessly, and of couse, louder than the speaker itself. So silent is the audience in the shadow.

1 則留言:

  1. 读者来指正,前几篇作文过分呆板,好像道德经。确有道理。
