2010年7月29日 星期四

English Essay about International Aid 雅思谈外援

Ielts writing task 2
Topic: 雅思真题
Discuss advantages and disadvantages of giving international aid to poor countries.

Outline: 想大纲

主题Thesis--more advantages, if improving both quantity and quality in aid.
结构Structure-- 4 paragraphs (supporting thesis and are supported by content.)
1.起 foreign aid in terms of quantity and quality 外援应重量重质
2.承 quantity in aid not enough 金额不足
3.转 quality in aid with defects 操作品质低
4.合 creative measures to improve both quantity and quality in aid 以新方式改善量质

Sample Essay: 原作
Created by Mr. Jeenn Lee Hsieh


The voluntary flow of public resources from rich to poor is a cause not only humanitarian but also noble. It has been unanimously agreed that no efforts should be spared to help free men, women and children from the dehumanizing conditions of extreme poverty coupled with hunger and major diseases that afflict humanity. The advantages of giving international aid are obvious. The issue is not "why," but "how." That is, how to increase both quantity and quality of foreign aid.

There is a problem about the quantity of aid donated from the developed countries. Roughly billions of dollars has been given yearly to the developing countries, most of them to Africa. But the amount seems not enough. To be enough, it is estimated that, among the wealthy countries, for each dollar earned, at least 0.7 cents must be donated in aid. A few countries reach the goal. Others are left behind. This being the case, there is a long way before extremely needy populations coming out of miserable living conditions.

Another problem is about the quality in aid. One cannot help but feeling that something may be wrong either on the side of donors or the recipients, or both. There have been scandals about the fund not being wisely and correctly used or simply being deposited into private bank accounts by corrupt government officials in charge. On the other hand, there are no secrets as to the motivations of donors far from being noble. More often than not, shoe-strings are tied to access to natural resources, political influences and military presence. No wonder, then, voices of complaints are rising against what many fear is a new form of colonism which would do more harm than good.

One fact remains clear. It must leave no room for doubt that more quantity and better quality in aid are desirable. Thus, the international aid should take more and new forms than providing cash in grants and loans. The World Bank and the International Monetary Fund (IMF) should see to it that goodwill be changed into good benefits for right people. The well-to-do countries as well as private sectors should join forces to get directly involved in creating more rewarding measures to guide the have-nots to live a more decent life. In so doing, the foreign aid may sound humanitarian and noble at once.

