2010年6月5日 星期六

TOEFL 作文样稿: I Prefer to Work for a Small Company


TOEFL Writing Topic and Sample Essay
created by plan2write@hotmail.com


Some people prefer to work for a large company. Others prefer to work for a small company. Which would you prefer? Use specific reasons and details to supoort your choice.


My choice to work for a small company is not based on practical reasons but on my attitude toward a job. I simply feel good about being part of a smaller team featuring spiritual value and social fun. A handsome paycheck is, of course, the most important motivational factor in any work field. Money being not the issue,
a large company is no more than a Plan B.

Too often a large company is too busy making money without paying sufficient attentin to spiritual value--the emotional side of working. I know a few employees from a giant firm who seem to have learned the price of about everything and the value of nothing. From what I have heard, a certain sense of value in working is lost because of pressure from working. Working among a crowd of seemingly strangers in a huge company doesn't attract me at all.

Contrary to working in a large company, it's much for fun doing a job with only a few co-workers. Every colleague readily becomes a close friend: one for all and all for one. I may even go as far as calling my boss by first name. Usually, my opinion is valued; and voice, heard. I would otherwise by a nobody in a big company. Imagine. Isn't it fun enough that, in a small company, every friend's birthday is remembered silently and celebrated loudly?

Fairly speaking, the success of a job career does not necessarily depend on size, large or small. It could be as lucky as risky working for any company, big or small. Most job-seekers prefer to play on the safe side, as if boarding on a titanic ship against all odds on the rough ocean. That reminds me of the tragic voyage of the "unsinkable Titanic." So heartening is the final scene in the movie when survivors are being rescued to small life rafts floating on the icy waters of the North Atlantic. A paradox: a large company is too big to fail and also too big to be saved.

