2010年5月30日 星期日

TOEFL 同型考题:大公司小公司。样稿看此网志。


Some people prefer to work for a large company. Others prefer to work for a small company. Which would you prefer? Use specific reasons and details to support your choice.

函索样稿 twetoefl@hotmail.com

Here are a number of TOEFL writing topics on which you are asked to write an opinion essay explaining your choice between A and B. 试题中,有两种选择,任择一种发挥。

*to study in
A. a big university
B. a small university

*to eat
A. at home
B. out

*to prefer
A. spending money
B. saving m oney

*to travel
A. alone
B. with a companion

*to prefer
A. getting up early for work
B. getting up late for work

*to do work
A. in a hurry
B. slowly

*to work
A. as a team member
B. independently

*to hire persons
A. with experiences
B. without experiences

*progress is
A. always good
B. not always

*to support
A. job for life
B. no

*to work
A. by hand
B. by machine

*first impression is
A. important
B. not important

*to support high schools
A. using uniforms
B. not using uniforms

*to spend free time
A. outdoors
B. indoors

*to study
A. alone
B. with friends


